Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Making time for me...

Oh boy, one day into my fall semester "crazy" schedule (who in their right minds would do a Culinary Lab simultaneous with a Baking Lab?)... and surprizingly things are going well.  Yesterday I had a small anxiety attack prior to going to my Culinary Lab in the afternoon.  Which is pretty much typical of each and every student in the class.  I don't know if I told you this (like whoever is actually reading this), but I had one week of this class last year when I started and knew after the first week that it just wasn't going to work having two labs..... the challenge is ON!  My heart was racing and I was short of breath and was sure I would not remember my own name while all along my first professor from the original class was in my head.  But, after three hours in a room that I temp'd at 93 degrees (not kidding here) I actually felt like I was doing ok.  

Forgetta 'bout the SB diet, I'm bound to loose at least 15 lbs just from sweating my ass off for four hours a day four days a week!  That said, here are the Good Eats I had today....

The "usual" but I really backed off on the cheese today.  Lots and lots of veggies (broccoli, zucchini and peppers)

wasn't able to fit this in

Nice Salad with mixed greens, shrimp (last nights left overs) some avocado and broccoli.

Sorry the only choice I had was oranges or carrots (we were in class and had only a couple of 5 min. breaks) so I snacked on a few carrott slices (honestly forgetting that they weren't allowed this week) while I was in class.

*I've packed some almonds in my bag for future "oh shits"

Really proud of myself.  I was soaked to the bone (unfortunatly it was not because I was rained on YUK) came home, stipped to bare butt and got my red-faced face into the shower to cool off and clean up!  Then, I promptly turned on the grill, grilled a nice lean boneless pork chop and sauteed some swiss chard with garlic. 

I didn't eat until after 9pm, so I thought I'd better forgo the snack tonight.

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