Saturday, January 29, 2011

Borrowing "Time Flies" title from my Year of Wearing White Blog

Oddly enough, I finally started to Blog in my Year of Wearing White because I realized that thetime of my college career was going by so fast and May would be here and I'd be graduating and I'd hardly remember my experience while at PSC.

Afterwards, I realized that it might have been some time since I posted in My Lighter Side of Life and realized I'd set a goal for myself that is supposed to be reached by the same month of May.... eeks I'd better get a move on!

The good news is that even though more than 3 months have gone by, I've managed to maintain my weight despite any/all of the gorging on sweets over the holidays!  I'm feeling good and had energy to spare in my first week back at school and am proud to say that I'm just a line (or two) over the 170 mark so I'm getting closer to my goal.  I did think the other day that I will actually give something up for Lent for the first time in years.  Typically, I try to do something more, but this year, in a sincere attempt to reach my goal weight by my 50th birthday, I'm gonna plunge and promise to stay on the South Beach track so I can hopefully feel good about a trip to the beach in the South!  I'm thinking with my schedule at school, I will once again have little time to take advantage of the gym at school, but will make an effort once it's past snowshoeing season. 

In this new year, I am first and foremost very thankful to my friend Maria who has finally found a way to "show me the light"  I'm still of the mindset that I will have to be able to have the treats that I want, I've just learned that I will have to have them in moderation.  The other thing I am so VERY grateful for is that my attitude towards food has completely changed once and for all.  I can honestly say that I no longer run to the fridge or cupboard when I'm upset or anxious about something and that my fellow blog followers is more than half the battle of the buldge!  It's liberating when you can look at food and appreciate it for what it is, something to sustain and entertain us, not to control us! 

I can't promise that I will blog often, but I am hopeful that by the time May rolls around, I will be anxious (in a good way) to post a new picture of myself for everyone to see!  And then?  Well, then I will have to go shopping!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, Jill! Looking at food in a new way is a huge step. I think that's why so many people lose and gain over and over again. They think of their "diet" more as something they have to do temporarily to get to a certain goal. They end up feeling deprived and eating becomes more of a punishment and reward system.
    My sister Jen said today that she finds it interesting that the two people who eat the healthiest in our family (the two of us) are the ones who talk the most about food. It has become exactly like you said- the "stuff" of life- greatly appreciated! Keep up the good work and keep blogging!
